Sunday, March 9, 2008


So I went to the fiber festival yesterday in downtown Sacramento and yes, it was fibertastic! Saw some beautiful work out there and connected up with some of the very lovely ladies of the Sacramento Craft Mafia (I'm hoping one day they'll let me in!). I thought I would share with you some of the fabulous stuff I saw!

Here's a photo from RoxyCraft a fantastic crochet artist who mostly sells patterns but when put up to it for the Fiber Fest came up with some fantastic plushies to simply must check out her website. Her patterns definitely don't suck. Ah, makes me want to learn to crochet!

Here's one of my favorite items from the Handmade Parade . Also notable where some adorable handmade teddy bears sewn from vintage upholstery fabric like the one seen in the corner of the photo. To see more of them click here.

And then there were alpacas!!! Yes indeed, these beautiful animals graced us with their presence and even let us pet their soft, luxurious fur (though not on the head as I found out when Milo, the black alpaca in the foreground nipped at me!). Yes, they were quite the spectacle in downtown Sacramento, stopping traffic and causing pedestrians to stop and stare. But I think they liked the attention.

All-in-all it was a great trip and I managed to score some fantastic yarn which I'll talk about more I'm sure as I start to knit it up. It was so great connecting with local artists as I generally feel so isolated out here in the sticks. Now I know I'm not! YAY Fibertastic!

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